Tax exemption information
for foreign embassies and diplomats in Japan
The Shinanoya Meguro and Roppongi Hills stores have been approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as "designated duty-free stores for foreign diplomatic establishments in Japan."
No other Shinanoya stores are currently licensed.
The following documents are required for tax-free shopping.
- 外務省発行の顔写真付き免税カード
- 外交官等身分証明票(証)
- 免税購入表(外国公館等用免税購入表)
- Tax exemption card with photo issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Diplomat ID Card (Certificate)
- Tax-free purchase table (tax-free purchase table for foreign diplomatic establishments, etc.)
Please note the following when shopping.
- 免税カードと身分証明票を所持したご本人様のお買い物に限らせていただきますのでお会計の際には免税カード及び身分証明票のご提示をお願いしております。(ご本人様以外の代理人での購入は当店では認めておりません。)
- 「外国公館等用免税購入表」の購入者欄に不備がある場合は免税販売出来かねますので、記載した上で来店していただくか、購入前に当店で記載していただく事になります。
- 商品購入時に「免税カード」をご提示いただき、必要事項を記載した「外国公館等用免税購入表」の提出をお願いします。
- 「免税カード」には、それぞれ免税の対象となる範囲及び最低購入金額が指定されていますので、ご留意ください。
- We are limited to purchases by the person in possession of a tax exemption card and identification card, so we ask that you present your tax exemption card and identification card at the time of payment. (We do not accept purchases by agents other than the person himself/herself.)
- If there are any defects in the purchaser column of the "Duty-free purchase table for foreign diplomatic establishments, etc.", we will not be able to sell tax-free items.
- Please present your tax exemption card at the time of purchase and submit the tax exemption purchase form for foreign diplomatic establishments, etc. that contains the necessary information.
- Please note that each "Tax Exemption Card" specifies the range of items eligible for tax exemption and the minimum purchase amount.
For more information, please check the National Tax Bureau website or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Protocol Office [telephone 03-5501-8000 (inner) 2958].